Something Different

The newly renovated fountain comes with a new design and ancient modern style. Who will forgot Atlas, the man who carry the world at his back. Generally, the new fountain was a four man facing in the four direction. Each one of them carries the name of Roxas City. They painted the man with a shiny gold like paint that makes it glow in dark and when some lighting hits the carrying man, the reflection of the paint was really great. With the previous thing, the water effect from the small fishes. Wow, a really nice design for Roxas City.
People of Roxas City was so amazed to see the newly renovated Fountain. At the opening of it, a lot of people really go there to see the fountain, got some pictures and videos of the project of Roxas City Government. I got my videos and pictures last night and I see the impact of the design to the people. Some may see it to some other big provinces and cities but others not yet, so they are really great to see it now here in Roxas City.
Me, as a blogger, I really want to share this thing to the people of Roxas City and Capiz. To let them know what's new happening to our province.
I like what you've written. Only a few people, especially the youth, takes pride in being a Capiceno and I really salute my fellas who, well, blog about Roxas...
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